
An extraction is when we remove a tooth from your mouth. They may be needed when a tooth has significant decay or reduced structure and is not saveable through other means such as a crown or root canal. There are a few situations that they are commonly used for, such as severe toothaches or when there is not enough room for wisdom teeth in your mouth. An extraction can be done for health or aesthetic reasons and is frequently coupled with bridges and dentures.

Our dentists understand it can be a stressful procedure and will make sure you are as comfortable as possible before the treatment. If you are uncomfortable with the procedure, we offer different types of sedation which can help alleviate any stress or fear. Having done over 10 thousand extractions over the course of his career, Dr. Krone is jokingly called ‘The Molinator’ in his offices. You can be sure that you are in great hands.


An extraction is usually a simple procedure that takes less than 30 minutes. We first numb your mouth with an anesthetic and then apply pressure to loosen your tooth until it comes out. In some cases, we may remove bone before the extraction so that you have the best experience. After your tooth is removed, we then clean and wash the space where your tooth was. We then apply pressure to your extraction site to help your blood clot.

It is important to be very gentle for 4-5 days after your extraction to allow the clot to strengthen. Losing all or part of the clot can happen and is called a dry socket. Dry sockets expose your bone and can be painful and delay healing. Things that cause a dry socket are actions that create a suction in your mouth or retard healing such as: using a straw, spitting, heavy rinsing, or smoking.

Eating and chewing

A softer diet is recommended for several days. Be careful to avoid any foods that cause suction in your mouth such as gum, candies such as caramel, and using a straw.

Soreness and sensitivity

Soreness is normal but should diminish after several days. Your dentist may prescribe medication to help with this.


Normal oral hygiene is recommended. It is best to replace missing teeth within several months to prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting into the empty space. This can be accomplished with implants, a bridge, or a removable partial.

We are dedicated to giving each of our patients the beautiful, healthy smile they deserve!
